The Next Action Hero Series We all want to look like our favourite movie star but unfortunately the ‘How to’ isn’t always that easy to find. As a company we’re moving onto the online platform after years of success of with our private clients in and around London and we thought what better way to showcase our skills and coaching abilities than to transform ourselves over a 12 week period with the goal of looking just like they do in the movies. The difference is we want to be a honest and transparent company and that is why we’re going to show you the ups and downs and hopefully give you a better insight into how it’s done and teach you how to handle your own health and fitness goals and de-bunking some myths some magazine use only to sell copies. The first thing we believe we should address is the issue of steroids, HGH (human growth hormone) and testosterone enhancers. We wont be using these strategies but it’s worth noting that many celebrities do unfortunately turn to these tools to help them achieve their physique. It’s a a very difficult proccess and with the financial incentive in place it’s hard to be mad at them although we would just prefer to know so our expectations for our own goals are more realistic. Now we’re not here to call anyone out and to be honest we simply will never know the real truth unless they admit it but after years of experience, trial and error and many mistakes we feel like we have a good idea when it comes to whether some people are playing fair or not. But enough of that and lets get down to what we have planned and how how we’re going to execute them in order to achieve our best results possible. Note: Since this programme is highly progressive and we’re planning on leaving nothing to chance which means our methods have been dialled up 1000%. Nutrition Just like the movie stars we’ve teamed up with Fresh Fitness Food (FFF) to take care of all out nutritional needs five days a week while the other days will be split between cooking for ourselves and fasting for a whole 24 hours. You’re only as good as the team around and that is why we have chosen FFF for our nutrition. Not only can they create a meal plan to our specific macro needs but their menu is amazingly varied and delicious which makes the eating portion of the programme all the more enjoyable and easy to follow. One of the biggest hurdles we see with clients is nutritional variety and so we’ve elimated that before we’ve even started plus we have to a business to run in the meantime and with FFF dropping our meals off everyday at our front door means we’re able to manage and build the business all the while building a body fit for the big screen. Here are our six favourite meals from FFF so far :) Carb and macro cycling and fasting are strategies we use regularly with our clients and so we use these on the weekend to help progress our results. With FFF looking after us Mon-Fri we can combine that with our own strategies to ensure we’re getting the best our of body.
We’re consuming a maintenance calorie intake 6 days a week in order to fuel our 10 sessions a week but combined with a 24 hours our overall weekly calorie intake is at a deficit. This is the strategy we believe will work best but this isn’t set in stone and we’ll see how the body reacts closer to the finish line and make our adjustments as needed. It’s important to create a plan but it’s just as important to able to adjust that plan when you need to. Training The training will be split into three phases and again will be assessed as we move through them. Here’s how the phases look as of now: Phase One - Volume and foundation building. Our aim is to improve our general condition and increase the volume to see how much and how the body handles the new stimulant. Phase Two - Turn up the heat This phase will have more cardio (mixed LISS and HIIT) as well as a push, pull and leg day feel to it. We want to make sure our body is always growing so we plan to hit it with as many different stimulants as we can. Phase Three - We’ll see We’ll address this phase after we see the results of phase two but the plan will either involve more cardio or weights depending on which we believe has had the best effect. Both plans will have a mixture of both but the most effective factor with be dictate the programme. The most important thing about to know is no matter how hard our training programme is our recovery programme is just as strong! We’re working with a soft tissue therapist, a masseuse and 20 minutes of foam rolling every third session. You can‘t out train a bad diet and you cant out eat under recovery. We’ll keep you update on the whole process with more blogs every so many weeks. Keep up to date with us here and @nutri_train on Instagram! Speak soon, Nutri-Team.
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August 2021