I’m not going to lie, but I desperately wanted to be the ‘Diet Coke guy’ in the TV ads growing up and I still love the odd Coke Zero or Pepsi Max, but one of the main questions I get asked a lot when it comes to fasting is; ‘can I drink diet sodas whilst fating?’
When I explain to people that I fast – sometimes up to 36 hours, I get asked a lot of questions. ‘Isn’t it tough?’, ‘Doesn’t it make you over-eat?’, “Isn’t it dangerous?’, ‘…Binge eating?’.
Which is best - intermittent fasting or calorie restriction for fat-loss and subsequent health?14/10/2019
It’s important to point out that first and foremost, health should be EVERYONE’S goal, and since a higher fat-percentage (not weight) is associated with ill-health[1], then a fat-loss goal is definitely something most of us can benefit from.
If you’re following me on social media, then you’ll know I’m a HUUGGE fan of coffee. But, what effects does it have whilst fasting, and is it beneficial to consume?
When I first began looking into Intermittent Fasting (‘IF’), my first question was ‘but does it cause muscle loss’, but what the evidence I found, and the results I experienced, show that IF does not have to mean muscle loss.
There’s no doubt that most people begin intermittent fasting to help them lose/control their weight, but a recent study has shown there’s a lot more to be gained outside of the obvious weight-loss benefits.
AuthorsJC and The Nutri-Team Archives
November 2020